A small module on the QuickForm constructor with a call request form.
Supports both Ajax form submission and page reload submission. The CSS file includes the style of the output in the modal window. The form has built-in spam protection and does not need a captcha.

A simple Jeans style callback application form. Flexible field moderation, spam protection.
It is possible to support and develop styles for any fields and widgets of the component (only for the licensed version of QuickForm). Write to contacts. Working view (in modal version) can be seen here: Request a call. In the example on my site, the submit button is disabled.
Installation order.
- 1. Download the callorder.qf3.zip file.
- 2. Import the file through the project manager of the QuickForm component.
- 3. Specify your e-mail address in the project settings.
- 4. Display the form on a website page (more).